Martels Funeral Services Limited

Private Chapel of Rest


Christopher Le Page

The funeral service for Christopher (Chris) Le Page, husband of Valerie, who died at home, aged 81, was held at St Matthews Church and was conducted by The Revd Linda Le Vasseur. Opening the service was the Formula 1 Theme (The Chain). Included in the service was a personal tribute given by Rhian, granddaughter, memories of Chris, written by the family, and the Bible Reading, Ecclesiasties Ch. 3: 1-14 read by Revd Le Vasseur. During a period of reflection, Wind beneath my wings by Bette Midler was played.

The organist, Graham Martel, accompanied the singing of How great thou art.

The service was followed by private interment.

Mourners were: Valerie Le Page, wife; Ian Le Page, son and Sandra Le Page, daughter-in-law; Rhian Le Page, granddaughter; Margaret Collenette, sister-in-law and Sharan Collenette (also representing Michael Collenette, nephew and family); Susan Margetts, cousin (also representing Maxine and Lisa, Liz and Richard Torode, Philip and Lena Le Page).

Also present were: Phil Ozanne; Mike Brehaut; Bob Falla (also representing Castel Douzaine); Malcolm and Charmaine Simmons (also representing Julie, Shane and Bradley); Paul and Maria van der Tang; Marilyn and Michael De Jersey (also representing Pam Bichard); Martin Ray (also representing Jolyon Ray, Roddy and Judith Ray); Janson, Sue and Liam Bewey; Pam and Brian Staples; Mick Guilbert (also representing Glynis Guilbert, Hugh Saunders and Eggo Ellis); Marc Maubec (also representing David Markwick and the Guernsey Motor Cycle and Car Club); Kate Maubec;

Paul and Nancy Ferbrache (also representing Matt and Chloe Ferbrache, Peter Ferbrache and Richard Valpied); Mary Lowe (also representing Chris Lowe, Alison Elliott, Headteacher and the staff team at La Mare de Carteret School, Tim Langlois and John Miles, La Mare de Carteret Management Committee); Steve and Fiona Gauvain (also representing Rebecca and Megan, Keith and Debbie Mourant and family); John Robert (also representing Gary Robert and Ian Smith); Peter McCracken (also representing Geoff Bouwmeester); David Mudge (also representing Sue Mudge); Allan Besnard;

Steve Le Gallez (also representing Di and family); Jeff and Val Kitts (also representing Justine and Lindsay); Bill and Noela De Carteret (also representing Micky Ogier and family); Jenna De Carteret; Wayne Shaw (also representing Karen Shaw, Ricky and Carol Hubert); Tim Guilbert (also representing Liz Guilbert); Freddie Frampton (also representing Sean Frampton); José Rodrigues (also representing Maurilia Rodrigues); Sally and Alan Machon (also representing Claire and Paul);

Maurice Ogier (also representing Pat Ogier and Stewart Dyer); Bill Cohu (also representing Denise, Simon and Nic Cohu); Rod Yeates (also representing Anthea Yeates); Pancho Mark Brehaut (also representing Annette Brehaut and Mike Brehaut); Nigel Le Page (also representing Margaret Le Page, Diana Brook and Martin Le Page); Sue Slimm (also representing Chris Tielles); Heather Robilliard (also representing Anyon and Dean Robilliard, Ann and Peter Langlois, Kerry Clarke, Martin Le Page, Jenny and Peter Clarke);

Harry Turian (also representing Ann Turian); John Turian (also representing Jenny Turian); Mick Ward (also representing Andrew and Simon Ward); David and Margaret Gethin-Jones; Sally and John Chick (also representing Kath and Geoff Carré and Ian Gilespie); Maurice and Jayne Stewart (also representing Pat and Gregor McIntyre, Brian Green); Graham Jehan (also representing Geoff Jehan); Bev Holliday (also representing Lesley Le Page and the School Committee);

Doreen Wells (also representing Darran James, Paula Grover, Chris Wells and Claire Teed); John Falla (also representing Aggie and Treace Hewlett, Martin and Paulette Brouard); Noel Le Tissier (also representing Pat Le Tissier); Stephen and Carolyn Mallett (also representing Paul and Leah Jeffreys, Guy and Lucy Mallett, Alana Brennan); Martyn Bisson (also representing Heather Bisson); Mick Simon (also representing Karen Simon and Shirley Mechem); Keith and Lynne Le Page; Richard Pattimore;

Robin Ayres; Brian Ayres; David Eaton; Amos Ozanne (also representing June and Ozzy Ozanne, Julie and Mick Roland, John (Flipper) Bichard and the Guernsey Autocross Club); Colin Falla; Alan Cox (also representing Kim Folmi, Marc, Rachael and Tyla Cox, Geoff and Lin Martel); Jo Bentley; Joyce Le Page (also representing Graham Le Page and Richard Zabiela); Martyn and Shani Torode (also representing Jasmine Bynam); David Cluett (also representing Ann Cluett); Ian Ruskin (also representing Maureen and family); Alan and Veronica Lajoie (also representing John and Mary Watson);

Marian and Tony Falla; Jan Guille (also representing Geoff Guille); John and Beth Rouilliard; Karen Dyke (also representing the family, Julie Sebire and family, Claire Le Lievre and family); Lynn and David Breban (also representing Matthew, Jenny and Tony Froome, Pam Niles); Steven Torode (also representing Rachel Torode, Jim and Angela de Garis); Rose Le Page (also representing Ivan Le Page); John Lacey; Michelle Dorey (also representing Bill Luff); Darren Warwick (also representing Michelle); Robin and Jenny Marquand; Graeme Cox (also representing Ann Cox);

Rod Leivars (also representing Dennis McKane and Sandra McKane); Peter Chick (also representing Dennis Chick and Sue Farnham); Geoff Meagher; Nev Cluett (also representing David G Cluett and Son Heating Engineers); Dave de Garis; John Dunne (also representing Kim Dunne and Tim Gentle); Colin De Jersey (also representing Roy de Jersey); Steph Vidamour (also representing Mark Vidamour and Richard Bird); Sally Robert (also representing Karl and Craig Robert and Sophy Harvey); John Whalley;

Vince Paver (also representing Jean Paver and Barry Le Feuvre); Paul Elleray; Josie Breton; Mark Scott; David Chester; Mick Fooks (also representing Shirley Fooks, Mark Dorey, Dean, Castel Douzaine, David Ozanne, Ray and Tina Le Poidevin, Peter and Val Guilbert); Mandy Worthington; Graham Le Page (also representing Linda Le Page);

Peter and Anita Carey; Steve Morris (also representing Carol); Nigel Acton; Paul Stanford; Bryan Guilbert; Kenneth Jordan; Anthony and Jan Le Page (also representing Neale Le Page, Mike and Chris Le Page); Monica and Tony Le Page (also representing Lionel and Jackie Le Page, Roy Le Page); Nigel Mallett; Toni Clayton and Maria Soler (also representing Emma, Laura and Adam Clayton, Claude and Gin Ford and Directors and Staff of Forest Road Garage);

Channel Welders represented by – Ross Le Cheminant; Jonathan Hale; James Fowler; Drew Archer; James de Garis; Agris Basens; Steve Levier; Steve Gilman; Andy Davison; Flyn Bougourd; Lynton Le Cheminant (also representing Heath Diamond and Lou Perriam); Dylan Meredith (also representing Jack Falla); Rory Moriarty (also representing Joe Moriarty); Ethan Levins;

Adrian Tourtel (also representing Marie Tourtel); Jenny Gallie; Jim Langlois; Dave and Ann Friend; Andy and Sue Le Page (also representing Toni and Tom Le Page); Brian and Sylvia Carre; Lynn and Dave Cleal; Charlie Smith (also representing Pam Smith); Alison Le Page; Richard Sallibank (also representing Ann Sallibank); Martin Haines, Les Beaucamps School; Jason Langmead; Wendy Langmead (also representing Peter Langmead and Simon Langmead); Vic Froome (also representing Jill Froome);

Lee Corbet (also representing Brian Lempriere); Ian Shorto; Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen (also representing the Committee of Education Sport and Culture and Tim Langlois); Roger King (also representing Sue, Paula, Mark and Jason). Not present but wishing to be represented: Simon Kneebone and family in New Zealand.  

Flowers were from. Val. Ian, Sandra and Rhian.

Donations in lieu of flowers were to be sent to RNL, c/o The Treasurer, Harbour Office, PO Box 631, St Peter Port, GY1 2DH.

The arrangements were by Martels Funeral Services Ltd. with Paul Bougourd supervising.