Martels Funeral Services Limited

Private Chapel of Rest


Margaret Creber

A Service of Celebration for the lives of Margaret Creber (née Toms), who died at Summerland House Nursing Home, aged 95 and her late husband, Thomas Roy Creber, who died during the first lockdown in 2020, was held at Le Foulon Chapel and was conducted by Annette Henry, Celebrant. Opening the service was the music, Evergreen, by Barbra Streisand. Included in the service was the Poem, A Life of Kindness – In Memory of a Selfless Soul and the Eulogy read by Annette. During a period of contemplation, including a photo montage, Cheek to Cheek by Frank Sinatra was played. The recessional music was, We’ll Meet Again by Vera Lynn.

The organist, Graham Martel, accompanied the singing of The Lord’s my Shepherd (Crimond) and The day thou gavest, Lord is ended.

Mourners were: Lisa Richards, niece and Jonathan Richards (also representing Chris and Julie Le Tissier); Mark Toms, nephew; Alexander Richards, great-nephew and Chloe Long; Janet Toms, sister-in-law.

Also present were: Jill Moriarty; Bryan and Kathleen Renouf; Lynn Davis (also representing the Davis family); Philip Ozanne St John Guernsey LBG (also representing Knight Commander and Commandery Board and all staff and volunteers of St John in Guernsey, Judy Moore, Sarah Ozanne, Lucy and Harry Ozanne);

Joan Tostevin (also representing St John Fellowship Guernsey, Anne Harvey, Anne Blanchford, Susan Williams-Yeager, John and Carol Brisset (St John Fellowship, Jersey), Lawrence and Hazel Day representing St John Fellowship National HQ Office, London, Colin and Kay Bull, Trish De Carteret, Bert De La Mare and Maureen Le Brun).

Flowers were from. The Family.

Donations in lieu of flowers were to be sent to Les Bourgs Hospice, Rue du Tertre, St Andrews, GY6 8SF.

The arrangements were by Martels Funeral Services Ltd. with Paul Bougourd supervising.