Martels Funeral Services Limited

Private Chapel of Rest


Enid Le Prevost

A Service of Celebration, prior to cremation, for the life of Enid Mary Le Prevost (née Woodward), widow of Lloyd, who died peacefully at home, aged 93, was held at Le Foulon Chapel and was conducted by Michelle Duquemin, Celebrant. Opening the service was the music, My Heart Will Go On, by Celine Dion. Included in the service were family memories of Enid and the Poem, Miss me – but let me go, both read by Michelle. During a time of reflection, Vivaldi Seasons – Spring was played and the recessional music was Love is Like a Butterfly by Dolly Parton.

The organist, Stephen Francis, accompanied the singing of The King of love my Shepherd is and Morning has broken.

Mourners were: Keith Le Prevost, son; Emma Le Prevost, granddaughter and Alex Richards; Robert Le Prevost, grandson; Kay Barrett, daughter; Colin Le Prevost, son; Jazz Le Prevost, granddaughter (also representing Jordan Bougourd); Ollie Le Prevost, grandson and Kirsty Hart; Steph Le Prevost, granddaughter and Adam Walford; Joanne Le Prevost, daughter-in-law; John Le Prevost, cousin; Eileen Davis, cousin (also representing Paul Davis).

Also present: Peter and Pauline Lund; Betty and Gerald Blondel (also representing Mr R and Mrs P Hutchinson); Tony and Sue Mauger (also representing Sue Ozanne and Eddie Vidamour); Bruno and Margaret Robilliard; Paul Stoddart; Dave and Kay Rabey; Steve Greenway (also representing Sam Greenway); Ian Greening; George Wilkinson (also representing Guernsey Sheltered Housing Group Ltd); John Locke; Peter Izat (also representing Violet Izat and Daphne Niles); Martin and Beth Wright (also representing Emily and Eleanor).

Flowers were from: Keith, Kay and Colin, Jazz, Emma, Ollie, Robert and Steph.

Donations in lieu of flowers to Les Bourgs Hospice, Rue du Tertre, St Andrews, GY6 8SF.

The arrangements were by Martels Funeral Services Ltd. with Paul Bougourd supervising.