Roger Vaudin

The funeral service for Roger James Vaudin, husband of Beryl, father of Mark and Lee, who entered into rest at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital, aged 85, on 8th November 2024, was held at the Vale Parish Church and was conducted by Revd Beverley Hervé. Opening the service was the music, We’ve Only Just Begun by The Carpenters. Included in the service was the Bible Reading, John 14: 1-6, 27 read by Revd Hayley Edmundson, great-niece, a Tribute poem written and read by Mark Vaudin, son and the poem, Our Lives Go On Without You, read by Kay Lowe, niece. During the time of reflection, Close To You by The Carpenters was played with the closing music, Goodbye To Love also by The Carpenters.
The organist, Andrew Warren, accompanied the singing of Jerusalem and Abide with me; fast falls the eventide.
The service was followed by private interment.
Mourners were: Beryl Vaudin, wife; Mark Vaudin, son; Lee Vaudin, son; Anne Jehan, sister and David Jehan, brother-in-law (also representing Rodney Jehan and Maureen Jehan, also Carole Lowe); Mike Vaudin, brother and Christine Vaudin, sister-in-law (also representing Pam Duquemin); Kay Lowe, niece and Chris Lowe; Sebastian Lowe, great-nephew (also representing Stephanie Lowe, great-niece and Verity Lowe, great-great-niece); Julie Ozanne, niece (also representing Samuel Martin, great-nephew);
Danika Martin, great-niece and Cleo Hainsworth, great-great-niece; Ian Vaudin, nephew and Ruth Vaudin (also representing Ella, Erin and Millie Vaudin, great-nieces); Lt Col Vaudin, nephew and Mrs Jenny Vaudin; Revd Hayley Edmundson, great-niece and Simon Edmundson (also representing Susan Nutting, niece and Rebecca Reynolds, great-niece); Lloyd Nutting, nephew; Glyn Nutting, nephew and Louisa Nutting; John Nutting, nephew; Vic Froome, cousin (also representing Jill Froome); Rosemary Froome, cousin.
Also present were: Janet Brown; Denise Hockey (also representing Amber and Jayde Hockey, Martin Brown, Julie Green and George); Richard Sebire (also representing Geoff and Sharon Tardif and Jonathan Sebire); Paula Lohmeier; Pauline and Richard Le Vallée (also representing Tom Le Vallée); Emma Cabrelli (also representing Marino Cabrelli and Macy Le Vallée); Robert Cave and Irene Le Huray; Ken Fisher (also representing Micky Grayland); Yvette Fisher (also representing Chris Fisher, Lexie and Ella Fisher); Brian Bougourd; Jeff Le Cras;
Julie Batiste (also representing Steve Batiste and family); Tracey Goss (also representing Andrew Goss, Chloe Goss and William Goss); Colin Le Page (also representing Shane, Dita and Izabella); Julie McAuley (also representing Davey McAuley); Deputy Al Brouard (also representing Rebecca Brouard); Deputy John Gollop; Ray Peacegood (also representing Mrs J Peacegood, Mel Brown, All Committee of Charity Active); Barbara Renouf; Jackie Eggo; Polly Ozanne; Albert Matthews; Andy and Maureen Tostevin; Tony Michel (also representing Gail Michel and family); David and Sheila Michel;
Julie Hussey (also representing Chris Hussey and family); Jean Craker (also representing Richard Craker, Joan Leivars and Rosie McKane); Pamela Bartlett MBE (also representing Noi Monachan, Carolyn Bihet and Sue Webb, all from The Ron Short Centre); Representing the Ron Short Centre – Tania Bretel, Robbie Main, Jo Alp, Nick Darrieulat (also representing Antony Pengelley and Michael Hamon), Ed Jagusinski, David Symons, Rosemary Ferbrache, Sharlene Forge, Jason Marsh, Tim Feak, Caroline Lewis (further representing Rob Harnish, Les Banks, Stephen Birch, Sharon Ozanne, Julie and Dave Fletcher, all staff and members of The Ron Short Centre and Valerie Le Ber);
Janet Harbottle (also representing Bob Harbottle); Claire Harbottle; Keith and Jayne Priaulx; Pam and Ted Garnham; Louise Renouf; Richard Robert (also representing the Robert family); Ann Mauger and Maureen Lucas (also representing Pat Queripel, Meg White and Carers Coming Together); Win Willis; Sue Duport (also representing Paul, Janina and Almeida Wheatley and the Guernsey Mobility Let’s Go Group); Melanie Edwards, Bridget Edwards and Amanda Benwell (also representing Peter and Ben Edwards, Janina and Lena Almeida); Corinna Woodland; Kiri Knight; Dorcas Woodland;
Christina Le Jean (also representing Yvette Le Roi, Jean-Pierre and Molly De Garis); Sarnia Dalton and Denise Le Gallic (also representing Jeannette (Jan) Mechem, Sandie Farrel and Mally Rowe); Sarah Payne (also representing Short Break for Adults with Disability Service); Charlie Gabriel and Claire Berry; Robin and Libby Vile (also representing Guernsey Sports Association for the Disabled); Jean McKenna (also representing Guernsey Gateway Club); Christine Le Prevost;
Debbie Brouard (also representing Community Twilight Team); Lesley Martin (also representing Sarah, Juliette, Hannah and Felicity); Lewis Martin (also representing Aurelie Martin); Max and Jenny Gaudion; Beryl and Martyn Blondel; Allan Harris (also representing Jean Harris); Eve Weston; Lindsay Stanford (also representing Carl Stanford, Adam Stanford, Lara Stanford and Scarlett Stanford); Luis Jehan; Chris and Geoff Jehan; John Mechem (also representing Val Mechem); Margaret Le Parmentier (also representing Keith and Michelle Le Parmentier); Tim Allen;
Jackie Snell (also representing Dave Snell); Rose Le Page (also representing Ivan Le Page); Sally and Alan Machon (also representing Sally and John Chick); Sandra and Peter Le Page; Phil Leale; Brian and Lorraine Ellis; Rex Martel (also representing Muriel Martel); Peter Torode; Stephen Collas; Gwen and Dave Moore; Tony and Margaret Lewis; Ian and Elaine Blanchard; Mark Penney (also representing Mrs Penney); Joan Beuche.
Flowers were from. The Family.
Donations in lieu of flowers were to be sent to the Ron Short Centre, c/o The Treasurer, Beau Sejour, St Peter Port, GY1 2DH or to Active, c/o The Chairman, Mr R Peacegood, Islay, Les Gigands Road, St Sampsons, GY2 4XY.
The arrangements were by Martels Funeral Services Ltd. with Joan Ozanne supervising.