Martels Funeral Services Limited

Private Chapel of Rest


John Foster

The funeral service for John Edward Foster husband of Rita, who died peacefully at home, aged 77, was held at the St Sampsons Parish Church and was conducted by the Very Revd John A Guille. Included in the service was Psalm 121, the Bible Reading John 14: 1-6, 25-29. The Address with words provided by the family was read by the Very Reverend John A Guille.           

The organist, Stephen Francis, accompanied the singing of Will your anchor hold in the storms of life and Dear Lord and Father of Mankind.

The service was followed by private cremation.

Mourners were; Rita Foster, wife (also representing Ernest and Bella Doebeli, brother-in-law and sister-in-law in Michigan); Stephen Foster, son (also representing Alexandra, daughter-in-law, Leon and Max, grandsons); Christine Foster, daughter (also representing Bruno, Beatrix, Michelle, Marco and Michaela Graf in Switzerland, also Elizabeth Cleghorn and family, Bournemouth); Brett Stewart, son-in-law (also representing George and Jean Stewart, Mike Bonsall and Andre Langlois);

Phoebe Stewart and Danny Marsden (also representing Harper, Darren and Karen Gibbs); Pat Skates, sister and Ray Skates, brother-in-law; Hannah Skates, niece and Brian Le Prevost; Wayne and Sue Hassall, cousins (also representing Jayne Limond and Rachel Skinner).

Also present were: Liz Chamberlain (also representing Clare and Dean Stone, Alex Ogier, Carolyn Kenneally, Maura and John Stacey, Dan and Pat Le Cheminant, Val Kilby and Dave Osborne); Pauline Eyre (also representing John Eyre, Mary Kirkpatrick, Patrick Loyd, Geoff and Heather Norman, Jeff and Valerie Kitts);

Paul Bougourd (also representing Sue Bougourd, Sandra Nicolle, John Campbell and Michelle Duquemin); Joan Ozanne (also representing Stephanie and Andre Stefani); Dennise Colling (also representing Revd Jan Le Billon and Ken Le Billon); Michael Gallienne; Martin Dewar; Geoff Ingrouille; Brian and Glennys De Jersey; Nikki Attwooll; Barry and Liz Kettlety (also representing Sarah, Emma and Andrew, also Colin Devenport); Mick Le Poidevin (also representing Jenny Le Poidevin and June Falla); Frank Corbet;

Kevin Northover (also representing Canon Christopher Rutledge, Canon Michael Hore, Canon Gerard Hetherington, Revd Linda Le Vasseur, Peter Le Vasseur, Eileen Baird and Sarah Butler); Monica Savident (also representing John and Joan Rolph); Maurice Julou (also representing Simon Julou); Natalie Carpenter (also representing Melissa Bishop, David and Aaron Carpenter, Margaret and Henry Le Tissier); Anne Setters; Revd John Luff; Bill Luff; Barry and Denise Le Tissier (also representing Richard and Renee Coppin in Australia); Sonia Le Page and Garry Moore (also representing Chantal Fallaize); Lisa Carpenter; David Hannah; Graham and Lynne Martel;

Peter and Jane Symes (also representing Ann Newton and all the family); Ken and Juliet Carre (also representing Michelle and Mick Harris and family, Sam Carre; Racheal Newbegin, Simon and Kelly Carre and family, the team at Noyon’s Funeral Services, Sue Liskus, Dave and Debra Corson, Peggy and Rob Ellis, Barbara Halbert); Martyn Renouf (also representing Diane Renouf and Charles Renouf); Steve Renouf; Juliet Agnies (also representing David Agnies); Graham and Barbara Carre;

Adele Malpas; Alan Nant; Jackie Nant; Jurat David Robilliard MBE (also representing Revd Juliette Robilliard and the Very Revd Timothy Barker); Cilla Roger (also representing Brian Roger and the Roger family, Siobhan Roger and family); Paula Machon; Pauline Horey; Joan Carr; John and Val Mechem (also representing Doris Marquis); Jean Ferguson; Gillian Tostevin; Gavin Ferguson; Matthew Hemans (also representing Gemma Hemans and Oliver Duquemin); Alistair Boyle;                     

Ray Lowe (also representing Adrian and Olivia Guille in Sark); Robert Roussel (also representing Bernard Roussel, James Roussel also staff at Northern Motor Works); Stephen Francis (also representing Directors and staff of Beckfords Funeral Services); Kath Daley; Roger Vaudain; Kay Leivars; Roy Martel; Alan Bienvenu; Pete de Mouilpied (also representing Claire Fisher); Michael and Elaine Laine;

Dr Julia Rebstein (also representing Island Health Medical Centre and Dr Stephen Brennand Roper); Mike Coquelin and Nina Baker (also representing Oliver Coquelin); Frances Le Poidevin (also representing Mick Le Poidevin); Mr M Hamel; Ron Harnden; Steve England BEM (also representing Officers, Boys and past members of the 2nd Guernsey Company, The Boys’ Brigade, Sue Tardivel, the Nant family and Tim Bean); Esther and Nicholas Coutanche (also representing Simon Coutanche); David Perrio (also representing Anne and family);

Alan and Veronica Lajoie; Brian and Margaret Lowe; Nickie Paul (also representing Barney Paul, Tracey and Kevin Driscoll, Sarah Brehaut, Jean Brehaut, Sue Williams-Smith); Jai Vaudin (also representing staff at Vaudins, Geoff Savident, Nigel Le Sauvage and Julie Malorie); Anna Broughton; Terry and Trudy Ferbrache (also representing the Ferbrache family and the Swiss Club, Guernsey); Sarah Langford and Nikki Colley (also representing Elizabeth Grafton, Sarah Meinke, Claire Wakefield, Helen Colmer, Catriona Edwards, Sophie Herschel);

Allan Harris; Bradford Le Flock (also representing Dave Hugo); Dennis Steer; Billy Boyd (also representing Pauline Boyd); Julie Carre (also representing Andy Carre); Chris Le Tissier; Paul Steer (also representing the Rotary Club of Guernsey); Barbara Steer; Revd Beverley Herve (also representing Andre Herve, Pierre Herve, Mike Bubb, Jeremy Smithies, Vale Church Flower Arrangers and Pat Duncan); Beverley Linnecor; Ted and Anna Smith (also representing Olympia and James McEwan, Lisa and Matthew Todd, Anthony and Rita Sutherland);

Jacquie and Keith Robin (also representing Dennis Le Moignan); Howard Roberts; Peter and Margaret Le Flem; Tom Oliver (also representing Susan Oliver); Anthony and Marlene England; Rodney and Carolyn Gillingham (also representing Isabel Hills and families); John and Pauline Bichard; Sheila Le Lievre; Kay Rawlins-Duquemin; Sir Richard Collas; Christobelle Morgan;

Leonie Le Tissier, Senior Constable (also representing St Sampson’s Douzaine and St Sampson’s Parochial Cemeteries Committee); Anne Brouard (also representing Peggy Laine); Orla-Marie Manning (also representing Headway Guernsey, Philippa Stahelin, Tracey Bran, Yasmin Le Huray, Beth Le Noury and Steve Rudder); Lin and Nigel Batiste (also representing Jemma and Chris Batiste, The Tussie Mussie Flowers Team, Margaret and David Nussbaumer);

Tony Michel (also representing Gail Michel and family); Graham Crabb (also representing Marian Crabb); Peter Cann (also representing William Cann); Richard Cann (also representing the Cann family in Ireland); Michael and Diane Ward; Joh Elderfield (also representing Simon Morley); Rick Mahy (also representing Malcolm and Michaela Cleal); Deacon Mark Leightley; Colin Pickard (also representing Suzanne Pickard);

Emily Bamber (also representing Geraint and Byron Rosser, Matthew Hulme, Dawn Robinson, Darren White, the Law Officers of the Crown and all at St James’ Chambers); Emma Atkinson (also representing Esther Ingrouille, Adrian Nicolle and the Bailliff’s Chambers); Peter Stewart (also representing Eve Stewart); Katherine Levy (also representing Maggie Spencer and Benjamin Levy); Rebecca MacKay (also representing Claire Langmead and Natalie Shaw); Simon Bone; Adrian La Farge; Ruth Gregson (also representing Christine Norton). Not present but wishing to be represented – Jan Norman.

Flowers were from: The family.

Donations in lieu of flowers were to be sent to 2nd Guernsey Company The Boys Brigade, c/o Mr S England, Lucana, Glebe Close, Neuve Rue, St Peter Port, GY1 1SE or Bacs payment to Lloyds Bank, 30-93-73, A/c No 00318532 or to Headway Guernsey, KGV Playing Fields, Rue Cohu, Castel, GY5 7SZ or Headway Guernsey, KGV Playing Fields, Rue Cohu, Castel, GY5 7SZ or Bacs payment to Lloyds Bank, 30-93-73, A/C No 41788468.

The arrangements were by Martels Funeral Services Ltd. with Paul Bougourd  supervising.